
Salient Secrets

A Musician traveled to 2050, and learned...

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read

drum nation

Futuristic Notes & Melodies

Is the future going back to the past?

The world of music is constantly evolving, and as we move forward, we're witnessing an incredible transformation in the world of drumming. From the rise of electronic music to the incorporation of new digital tech, the future of drumming is an exciting prospect, and has the potential to keep growing.

Electronic drumming is a trend that has been gaining momentum in past 5-15 years. Electronic drumming offers a wealth of benefits, including versatility, portability, and affordability. With electronic drum kits becoming increasingly customizable, drummers can now create an extensive range of sounds, from traditional acoustic drums to experimental, electronic sounds on just one kit.

New technologies is also transforming the way drumming is practiced and performed. Smart drum kits, for example, use sensors to track a drummer's movements and provide instant feedback, allowing musicians to improve their playing technique and rhythm. Augmented reality or virtual drumming is another exciting development, which enables drummers to play along with virtual bands, simulating live performance experiences.

The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into music creation is another development that's set to change the music industry forever. AI tools can now create entire drum tracks automatically, mimicking the playing style and sound of human drummers! This technology is already being used by music producers worldwide, and it's only a matter of time before AI-generated drum tracks become commonplace.

But fear not, the drummer will not be taken over by a robot! Well, good drummers won't, it takes years of practice to be considered a pro, after all those years only then might you compare or beat out a bot. Robots may be able to make and keep a beat but they can't add custom, quality, and perfectly timed fills to each song, only an experienced drummer who's heard thousands of songs can produce a sound that fits perfectly.

As we move into the future, we can expect the boundaries between different music genres to blur, giving rise to new and innovative styles. Electronic and acoustic drumming will continue to coexist, with many drummers experimenting with hybrid setups, combining the best of both worlds. Many already have electric kits or drum pads with acoustic cymbals.

The future of drumming is an exciting and ever-changing landscape, full of possibilities. We can expect to see the art of drumming evolving, adapting, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the world of music!

I know AI is fairly new, but even knowing the basics could excel everything you do. Maybe you can use AI to take over some of your tasks to give you more time to focus on practicing or what really matters. Here is a book I actually read myself to learn more about AI, feel free to try it out too!

Music isn't going anywhere, but the way it's made is changing, be sure to stay up to date and always practice.

Happy drumming fam,

G. Sidebottom


406 W 34th St. #711, Kansas City, Missouri 64111
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