
Salient Secrets

Step to Achieving Financial Freedom

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Lesson ten

Road to Wealthy Living

The world of finance can be daunting, but I'm here to help you navigate it and make the most of your money.

According to Accenture, wealth management will likely move from resilience in 2020 to reshaping in 2021 to lay the foundation for reinvention up to 2025. This in simpler terms means that now is the time to take control of your finances and start planning for a more secure future.

One way to do this is by increasing your assets in private markets. According to McKinsey, increased client demand and innovations have the potential to increase the share of assets allocated to private markets from about 2 percent in 2020 to 3 to 5 percent by 2025, representing asset growth of between $500 billion and $1.3 trillion.

But don't worry, you don't have to be a finance expert to take advantage of these opportunities. There are a variety of easy and accessible ways to invest in private markets, such as through online platforms (Robinhood, Coinbase, or MetaMask) and robo-advisors.

Another way to grow your wealth is by setting financial goals and creating a budget. By setting clear and realistic goals, you can focus your spending and saving efforts and work towards a more financially secure future.

Overall, wealth management isn't just for the wealthy. By taking control of your finances and investing in private stock markets or even real estate, you can start laying the foundation for a more secure and prosperous future.

Wealth management is all about living below your needs and saving your money up to then invest, which is the growth part of this. You invest in property, stocks, bonds, crypto, and even gold. These will grow over time if not at least hold value, naturally growing your wealth. Money sitting in a checking account or in cash is deflating in value every year as the government continues to make more.

It is up to YOU to start building wealth now so your future is much easier and brighter!

Next week we get back into music. I'm working on a "Learning The Drums Course" and will drop the first module here exclusively for you first! With many practices, tips, and short videos.

Stay wealthy and healthy,

G. Sidebottom


406 W 34th St. #711, Kansas City, Missouri 64111
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